Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Umm, can you say SCARED?

Okay, I am officially scared of the whole baby phenomenon. Today we are having a baby shower at work. The woman had her baby at the very beginning of the year, so she already knows what she needs, and requested diapers. Yesterday Hays and I took our weekly trip to the grocery store, so I left him in the "manly" hygiene section and went to the scary foreign land known as "the baby aisle" to pick up some diapers. After FINALLY finding the right size, I looked at the price. TEN DOLLARS? For diapers? Oh my gosh!

When I found Hays again, I asked him (because he is a financial advisor and I thought he would be able to tell me the cost of diapers for a month) how long a pack of 40 diapers would last. This was the conversation.
Me: How long will a package of 40 diapers last
Hays: I don't know.

Me: Well, how many times do you think you would have to change a diaper during the day?
Hays: I don't know, like three?

Me: A baby goes to the bathroom a lot more than three times a day!
Hays: (Completely serious) But you don't have to change their diaper every time they go.

This gave me a whole new reason to be scared!


Anonymous said...

You forgot the part about using cloth diapers instead!!

lg2006 said...

That made me LAUGH OUT LOUD. Hazer! you dummy! Yeah i am scared too for like a kathousand reasons. I will blog about that soon HA