When I sit and think about my different friends, I realize that if I could divinde my life into "eras," they would be in this order:
The Gadsden Era
The Undergraduate Era (divided into two periods, The Freshman-Junior Period and then That Period During Which I Lost My Mind)
That Period During Which My Mind Was Really Gone
The Jessica, Corrie, and Loren Era (my mind found itself)
The Post-College Era
I think that is really wonderful that we manage to find people that we need during each different stage. For example, I had a great group of friends when I was in Gadsden that helped me stay grounded and remember who I am. We had a tight group, and we each had our own different tastes and little roles within the group. Now we weren't perfect, we got into stupid high school fights, but over the years we have become a type of family. Sometimes, our friends, like my Gadsden friends for me, stay with us and stay important to us throughout the years, and sometimes they don't, which is okay too.
Amanda, of course, has been close to me throughout my life, but she is not the only one. There was Laura T, who I was close to for a while, but I have NO idea where she is now. Then there was Fran, who I am lucky enough to see at work almost every day. Catherine, who taught me SO many things and took care of me (since I had lost my mind and all). I don't get to see her as often as I like, but when we talk it is like nothing has changed.
Then there are those friends who mark a turning point for you. Jessica, Corrie and Loren are those girls for me. We lived together when I was in my last year of school and without them, I would not be the person that I am today. When we moved in, I knew Jessica, and not Corrie and Loren, but we all became friends so FAST! We had SO much fun those months that we lived together, and they helped me through a lot of things. Their actions may have been simple or common sense to them, but they were meaningful and profound to me. Of course, it was during that year that I met my wonderful husband, too!
Then I moved to the town where I am now and I made some more friends, and got closer to some that were just aquaintances. I have been lucky enough to become close to some of Hays' friends' wives and girlfriends. I have some great girlfriends from work, and they are very special, too!
I feel so lucky when I think about the friends that I have. I probably don't tell them enough, because I am not good at remembering to send cards, letters, or emails. I hope they all read this and know how important they are to me.
If I can give any advice to anyone, try to stay close to your friends and help them when they need you. You never know when you will need them!
This was the Jessica, Corrie and Loren Era, on Halloween. Were we "Simply Irresistable" or what?
Either mention me by name on your next blog or you're F-ing dead to me.
I totally know what you mean about friends from different eras ! i love the way you described that! I need to do that as well
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