Sunday, December 19, 2010

"Santa... Are You??"

Today we got dressed up, had a photo shoot, and decided that it would be a good day to go to Bass Pro Shops and see Santa.
Here are some pictures from our little photo shoot. I hate the glare from our screen door :( Some were really cute though!

Now after almost an hour and a half in line, I regretted choosing today UNTIL we actually go to Santa.  We used our time in line to chat, and we talked about how we are supposed to sit in Santa's lap and tell him what you want for Christmas. The conversation went something like this:

Me: Margaret Anne, are you going to sit on Santa's lap?
MA: Noooo.
Me: Are you going to tell him what you want for Christmas?
MA: Yes. Argwet want presents.
Me: What kind of presents?
MA: Presents.
Me: Are you going to sit in Santa's lap so he can see what a good girl you are?
MA: Nooooo.
MA: Santa, are you? (this is MA speak for "Santa, where are you?")

So, considering it was an hour past her naptime when we actually got close to Santa, I was fully prepared for a meltdown/fit. However, I let her watch the other kids getting on Santa's lap (none of them were freaking out, thank GOD) and when we got close to him she said "Hey Santa!" and looked at me and said "Like it!" Y'all, my heart melted. Then she got right on his lap and sat there like a big girl for her picture. Unfortunately we didn't capture any of her big smiles because she was being a little bashful, but when Santa asked her what she wanted for Christmas she did say "Presents." Here is her Santa pic:

I am so proud of her, I just thought she did great! I totally forgot about the hour and a half in line after seeing how much she loved seeing Santa.


Karen Whittal said...

My children always screamed for their Santa photo's, your daughter is beautiful.

M. Congleton said...

She is an absolute doll! What great pictures!!
Hope you are enjoying your Christmas break....two weeks off is going to be nice!

lg2006 said...

OMG i love it! Great pictures!!

Jordan Norris said...

I love the pictures and your hair, it looks so good! I hope y'all had a great Christmas :)