Sunday, August 10, 2008

Do You Think She Knows Her Sister's Coming?

So this is Daisy's new favorite nesting spot...directly under Margaret Anne's crib! We find her there a few times a day, and she has all but abandoned her old spot under our bed. Meredith was so excited to finally get a picture, but for some reason she suggested that I blog about it. I think it is amazing how dogs/animals can sense changes even before they happen! Like the pets you hear about that wait by the door 10 minutes before their owner gets home, when they get home at different times every day. Daisy doesn't have those kinds of skills, but she knows something is up!


ml said...

I always suggest that you blog because I enjoy reading what you write!

lg2006 said...

Poooooor Little thing! What will she do when she finds out she is a dog? Bless!
I enjoy hay's blogging skillz too Mere!