OK, we all know that every one of us has words that we absolutely cannot stand. Most of mine tend to be made-up words, because most of them sound ridiculous but are generally accepted by the masses. What qualifications are required to make up a word that is then added to the Webster's dictionary? It seems all you have to do is take two words and combine them, which is idiotic if you ask me. This has even flowed over to naming celebrity couples. For instance, "Brangelina" (Brad Pitt/Angelina Jolie) or "TomKat" (Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes). I think I just puked in my mouth a little when I typed that last one...what a creep Cruise is. Oh, and let's not forget "Vaughniston" (Vince Vaughn/Jennifer Aniston). Anyways, I thought up this post because my work email gets bombarded with subjects advertising "webinars". "Webinar" (Web Seminar) is quickly becoming the word that drives me most crazy. Hopefully "webinar" attendance will be so low that the business world will eradicate this word from acceptable workplace jargon. So I pose this question to you: what words make your blood boil when you hear them? Are they made up words like "crunk" or "blogosphere", or are they real words like "commode" ($1 to Meredith, she HATES that word!). Your feedback is appreciated...scour the depths of your mind for the word you detest and post it!
I also hate the word SALVE. As in "You have an itch? Rub this SALVE on it." ICK!
That is one of mine too! Yeggghh
I hate "anywho"!!
Here's one "irregardless." IT'S NOT A WORD, PEOPLE!!!!! Regardless is a word. Get it straight!
ha what about when people add an "S" to words that dont need one ie.
"wal-martS" "I'm goin to Walmarts"
Or what about when people mispronounce words like "chimley" or "nucular". Aggghhhh!
gazillion. aaaggghhhh!!! horrible! Also retard. hate that word.
I dislike the words work / chores / and "erik take the dogs out." Yeah, those are not cool.. ;)
irregardless is one of mine too... but i really hate supposeably
Alli- Mandy's sister
Good one alli! I hate supposeably too!
Irregardless and Supposebly are great! What about "ATM - Machine" ~ aka "automated teller machine machine." And what about when people say "text-ED"? We dont say we "work-ED" on something, we "worked...."
Irregardless and Supposebly are great! What about "ATM - Machine" ~ aka "automated teller machine machine." And what about when people say "text-ED"? We dont say we "work-ED" on something, we "worked...."
'Don't like "smooch"...and I have NEVER "smooched". Afterall...a kiss is a KISS !! Also don't like "blubber", for obvious reasons. Dede
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