Monday, February 2, 2009

Its been a long week, internets!

I know, I know, we haven't blogged in a while. One of my least favorite things is checking blogs that never get updated!!! It was a crazy week for us...

The main thing that made this week crazy was that Margaret Anne had her first cold. She woke up on Tuesday morning with a fever of 102, so Hays had to stay home with her and take her to the doctor. It broke my heart not to be with her, but I have VERY few sick days because I used them all during my maternity leave and bed rest! The doctor checked her out and said it was just a virus, but that we should keep her home from daycare until her fever was gone for a day. I stayed home with her on Wednesday, Hays on Thursday, and we thought for sure she would be ready for daycare on Friday, but on Thurs. afternoon she still had a slight fever and was really unhappy on Friday morning, so Hays had to stay with her again on Friday. He took her to work for a few hours because he had a lot to get done, but she did well. Then Saturday she started just SCREAMING when I was trying to feed her, and she was batting at her left ear, and her fever went up a little again. I called the nurse and she said I should take her to After Hours and have her ear looked at. So, we got a 3:00 appt and I thought we would be in and out. WRONG! There was a 2 hour wait minimum, with an appointment, so we were there for 3 hours. And she did have an early ear infection. Now we are fighting with her twice a day to get her to take her medicine! I think she is so tired of having her nose wiped and her nose suctioned that anytime we come toward her face with anything she gets mad.

We didn't get much sleep those first few nights she was sick, but now she is resting much better at night. We moved her back to the bassinet for a few nights to elevate her mattress, but I think we will be moving her back to her crib soon.

On Saturday before the ear infection and screaming, Hays and I went to Costco and joined! It is awesome, and we got some great deals. We also purchased a Wii Fit, and I have to tell you I am a little sore, but I hope it helps to get me back in shape!

On Sunday my parents came and brought us lunch, which was really nice because we were just worn out. They stayed for a while so Nonna could spend time with her grandbaby, and then headed back to Gadsden. My dad had knee surgery today and I just got word that it went well, so we are very thankful for that!

Here is a little picture of Margaret Anne when she fell asleep last night during the Super Bowl. She loves to fall asleep in her Boppy, I think it must feel like she is being held.


Unknown said...

I wish I could sleep in that position...

lg2006 said...

Poor little snuggles! Is she feeling better now?

The Bucklers said...

Poor baby! I saw from Hays' status updates on FB that she was sick. I hope y'all are out of the woods now. There is nothing more pitiful than a little one who is sick.... (and perhaps her mommy!)

Unknown said...

The baby is feeling better, but now Mom & Dad are sick! The cycle continues...