Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Wednesday Randomness

Today I officially feel like crap. I don't know if it is the common cold or allergies, but I am tired, my head hurts, my face hurts, and my eyes hurt. And poor little Margaret Anne seems to have the same symptoms. We DID have a great time on Monday night, as Hays told you. I really enjoyed the concert, but I think most of all I just enjoyed being out of the house with ADULTS! Dinner was wonderful and good conversation was had by all!
This weekend I am helping to host a couples' wedding shower for a good friend of mine... I am so excited because it will be another night with adults. It is also my first "dress up" shower, and the theme is "famous couples." Hays and I will be going as Clark Kent and Lois Lane. I hope we can pull it off! Fran and Phillip are coming up again, and they are staying with us, which will give us lots of time with sweet little Lucy. I am planning on using my fantastic new camera to take some pretty pictures of the girls, maybe at the botanical gardens. Actually I am planning on using my camera a lot this weekend! I have been looking for excuses to take pictures.

For an update, both my mom and Sandi are doing well. When I talked to Sandi last night she was home and resting, and sounded good! Mom also sounded good, but was sore because her doctor who she so lovingly referred to as "the Torturer" made her go to therapy on Monday and she also has to go back today and Friday. I want both Mom and Sandi to get better as fast as possible, so please continue to pray for them.

Now, because a post is boring without pictures, I am leaving you with this beautiful sight of Margaret Anne at her very first doctor's visit when she was 4 days old. Can you believe how much she has changed? It is hard to remember when she was ever that little. Time has just flown by, and I wish I could slow it down.
**Wow, I didn't know it would post that small. Oh well, it still looks precious to me!**

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